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高以翔原本计划结婚 好友蒋珅玮发文缅怀惹人泪目

作者: 时间:2022-05-15





  Darren (DJ) - Your Brother For Life And Eternity

  蒋珅玮 - 你今世且永恒的兄弟

  November 27th 2019, what a day, a long day to be remembered forever

  Without any forewarning, you walked away from us forever

  2019年11月27日 多漫长的一天 永远铭记的一天

  毫无征兆 你永远的离开了我们

  Ironically the next day was the Day of Thanksgiving

  Why couldn’t the higher power just be a little more forgiving?

  有点讽刺的是... 第二天就是感恩节


  As I woke up crying hysterically at 4 o’clock in the morning

  I still couldn’t believe that you were gone and all we can do is mourning

  凌晨四点 我歇斯底里的哭着醒来

  我仍旧无法相信你已经走了 而我们所能做的只有哀悼

  I found myself sitting here starring into the ceiling

  My head’s filled with mixed emotions. It’s hard to conceal this feeling

  我自己一个人坐着这里 盯着天花板

  脑子里满是复杂的情绪 难以掩饰

  You used to make fun of me for my long emotional speeches and you always said “oh lord”

  But hey bro, never under-estimate the power and strength that it teaches so please bear with me for one more

  你总是因为我充满感情的长篇讲话和我开玩笑 你老是说 “oh天呐”

  但是 我的兄弟啊 永远不要低估它所带来的力量

  所以 请再容忍听我讲一次吧

  I cannot help but to start reminiscing about our past

  Because right now these are the only memories I can hold onto and make them last


  因为这些是我现在唯一的记忆 是我可以抓住可以让它们永存的记忆

  It was around the summer of 2006 that I became a Nike intern

  Going to Vancouver for a basketball tournament, by meeting you, my life would turn

  2006年的夏天 我成了NIKE的实习生

  因为一场篮球赛我去了温哥华 在那儿认识你成了我人生的转折点

  Our teams met in the championship finals game

  Where you and I forever remembered each other’s name



  For most of the guys, they’d pretend to shake my hand after I gave them an ass-whoop

  But you approached me after the game and asked me to give you an alley-hoop

  大多数球员对手在我把他们打败后 他们会过来假装跟我握手

  但你在赛后主动找到我 要我跟你配合一个空中接力大灌篮

  It was at that moment we lit a spark

  Little did we know that it’d become the beginning of a brotherhood benchmark

  就在那一刻 我们之间点燃了一些火花


  We were both at the age of 22, young, ambitious, proud and confident

  Just started out in our respective careers, we were both ambivalent

  我们都在22岁的年纪 年轻有抱负 骄傲且自信

  在各自职业生涯的开端 我们都有太多的矛盾与未知

  From 2007 – 2010, you came back to Asia to pursue your entertainment career

  I stayed back in the states and couldn’t even see you often to grab a beer

  2007到2010年 你回到亚洲 追求你的演艺生涯

  而我还待在美国 甚至不能经常看到你和你喝杯啤酒

  Finally in 2011, my company relocated me to Beijing

  We reunited for the first time in Shanghai and I was excited about what this change could bring

  终于!2011年 我的公司将我调到了北京

  我们在上海第一次团聚 我对这一变动可能带来的未知变化非常兴奋

  Later that year, you invited me to stay at your Taipei home for Christmas and introduced me to your inner circle of gang there

  I sometimes went back there for business

  And you always brought me out to get some fresh air

  那年的晚些时候 你邀请我到你台北的家里过圣诞节,还把我介绍给你最信任的朋友圈子

  我有时候会回那里出差 你总是带我出去到处逛逛呼吸新鲜空气

  There was another year while you were out of town, you let me stay at your Taipei apartment with your older brother Charles

  He took such good care of me too like his own brother and we talked for hours

  另外有一年我去台北出差 你正好也在外面工作

  你让我住在你台北的公寓和你的哥哥Charles 一起

  他也像照顾亲弟弟一样照顾着我 我们说了好多的话

  And then there is Yang May who always looks out for me as well

  What she told me one morning at the Shanghai apartment was truly heartfelt

  然后还有羊May 也总是为我考虑 各处照顾

  她有一次早上在上海的公寓跟我说的话很深情 地打动了我

  She told me how much she valued our true friendship while you were still asleep

  I had no idea that her understanding for our bond could be so deep.



  As one of my work perks, I always hooked you up with the freshest kicks

  Being the perfect spokesperson of SKII you always gifted me with some fancy face wash in two sticks

  作为我的工作福利之一 我常常送给你最新款的球鞋

  作为最完美的SKII 代言人 你也会送我一些高级的洗面奶作为礼物

  We played together at the LoveLife game in Hong Kong along with Blackie

  You put on a show riding the opponents all game long like a horse jockey

  我们受黑人的邀请在香港一起打了LoveLife 慈善篮球赛

  你还是一如既往地发挥得特别好 就如骑马一样轻松

  Our brotherhood bond grew so strong we together took multiple trips

  Whether it was in Vancouver or LA, Malaysia or Thailand, Singapore or Japan, we captured lots of memorable clips

  我们的兄弟情谊变得如此牢固 我们一起出去旅行了好多次

  无论是温哥华还是洛杉矶 马来西亚还是泰国 新加坡还是日本 我们捕捉到了太多令人难忘的片段

  When I resigned from Nike in 2014

  Besides you and my mother, there was really no one else who offered me the full support like a team


  除了你和我的母亲 真的没有其他人给我全力的支持

  We then held hands to found PB - a brand inspiring the youth to achieve their Personal Best

  With a trustworthy partner and a loyal friend like you, I felt extremely blessed

  然后 我们一起联合创立了PB 我们的品牌,去激励年轻人实现最好自我的品牌

  拥有你这样值得信赖的伙伴和忠诚的朋友 我感到无比幸运

  Nothing was ever easy at the beginning

  But through the next four years, we realized the true meaning

  开始的阶段 任何事情都不容易

  但在接下来的五年里 我们意识到了它真正的意义所在

  Hardships always exist and unforeseeable circumstances always come up every year

  Together through the weather we always persist and overcoming the obstacles always ends up bringing out a cheer

  困境总是存在 不可预见的情况每年都会发生

  我们一起经历风雨 坚持不懈 克服困难 最后总是带来了欢笑快乐

  Except for the first year in Chongqing where my dad took you to a local spot for some spicy hotpot

  You couldn’t stop eating and said “man it’s good” but afterwards you couldn’t get off the pot

  除了我们(PB)去重庆的第一年 我爸爸带你去吃了当地正宗的重庆火锅

  你吃得停不下来 告诉我“太好吃了” 但是之后你就没有从洗手间出来过

  I still got a picture of your laying down on my bed while my dad handed you some pills

  I told you not to eat so much I’m sure that experience gave you a whole lot of thrills

  我还有一张照片 是你当时在我家床上躺着的样子 我爸爸正在给你吃药

  我早告诉你不要吃太多 我相信那次经历给你留下了太多刺激的回忆

  Chiu Jie always told me that what we were doing together with PB was very meaningful

  It meant so much for me to hear that! It’s still incredibly joyful


  听她这么说我真的很欣慰 现在想起来也很开心

  Coop, you and I started out with our big dream on a blueprint

  CC and Riley later joined us to give the kids so much passion to scream and that will forever be our footprint

  Coop, 你和我带着远大的梦想和蓝图开始了这段旅程

  后来CC和Riley加入了我们一起给了孩子们那么多让他们尖叫的激情时刻 这是我们留下来的永远的足迹

  The defining moment was this past June when we were both invited to represent PB and speak at TED Talk

  We delivered what we had promised because together we always walk the walk

  一个决定性的时刻 就是今年五月份我们受邀代表PB去TED做演讲

  我们兑现了承诺 因为我们在一起总是信守承诺

  Between 2014 – 2018, time flew by like a flash

  Lots of things changed in our lives while you made lots of cash

  2014 - 2018年时光飞逝

  我们的生活发生了一些改变 你通过努力拥有了一些财富

  You had so many movie releases

  You also bought new cars and new houses

  But to you these were just irrelevant pieces

  The most important things to you were always family, friends and your future spouses



  可对你来说 这些都只是生活中无关紧要的东西

  最重要的是家人 是朋友 是你未来的伴侣

  Many things and many people changed around you in your life

  But you never once changed as a person, you really deserved a loving wife


  而作为你 你从未改变过 你真的值得拥有一位爱你的妻子

  You stayed kind, genuine, humble and truly generous to family and close friends

  That’s when I know for certain that our brotherhood never ends


  这让我确信, 我们的兄弟情谊永远不会结束

  When Denny you and I were invited by Tina to film the show - 【Revisit the Campus】

  It was the epitome of our friendship bond and our collective memories were forever drawn onto this piece of canvas

  当Tina 邀请Denny 你和我一起拍摄【再见校园】网综的时候

  那是我们兄弟情最好的体现 因为我们共同的美好回忆被永远记录下来了

  While in Hangzhou one time, we three together co-hosted the MQ Opening

  Our special bond didn’t take long for the world to start noticing



  Diana and Poison later took us to go horse riding

  You were laughing your butt off because my pants couldn’t stop their downward slipping


  因为我的姿势不对 裤子一直往下掉 你也一直笑个不停

  There was another time in Hangzhou, you were filming alone

  I surprised you in your hotel room with a birthday cake and we together got the candles blown


  我瞧瞧地抱着一个蛋糕出现在你酒店的房间门口给你惊喜, 然后我们一起把蜡烛吹灭的

  I often visited and accompanied you to many events

  You always worked so hard and wore yourself out. It didn’t make any sense

  我常去探班 陪你去参加一些活动

  你总是那么拼命地工作 你都把自己累坏了 这根本毫无道理

  At times your eyes were bloodshot and your energy was drained

  But never even once did I hear any of your issues being complained

  有时候你的眼睛充满着红血丝 你精疲力尽

  但我从没听到你抱怨过 一次也没有

  We travelled together whenever we could for work or pleasure

  Whenever our destinations magically synced up, I couldn’t help but to smirk and treasure

  只要有时间 我们就一起旅行 工作或娱乐

  每当我们的所在地神奇地同步时 我都会忍不住偷笑出声 我也会很珍惜在一起的时光

  Two years ago Bella and I together celebrated your birthday for you in LA

  I didn’t get you any present but picked up the dinner tab, I hope it was okay


  我当时没给你准备特别的礼物 但是我买单了那天的晚餐 希望你不要介意

  But you could always find the right present to gift me

  The snowboarding goggles you got me one Christmas are exactly what I need


  有一年圣诞节你送我的滑雪镜 就真的是我需要的

  One time you and Bella took a day trip with my family to the Griffith

  It was a beautiful sunny day on September the 5th.


  那是一个阳光明媚的一天 那天是9月5号

  Later that week we took another trip to Universal Studios Hollywood

  We had fun winning some giant dolls at the basketball arcade as if we were on the hardwood

  也是那一周 我们还一起去好莱坞环球影城玩

  我们两个一起玩投篮游戏赢了大娃娃 跟我们在木地板上的表现没什么区别呀

  You always had me crashing with you in your hotel room just to save a few bucks

  I was that one friend who had shared the same bed with you the most you probably wanted to say “damn this sucks”

  你总是让我到你的酒店房间跟你一起住 说是为了帮忙节省一些


  Two summers ago, you, Mao and I played ball at Laguna Beach and then stopped by my LA crib to hang out

  On your way back to a casting call, you guys got stuck in terrible LA traffic, you must’ve been super stressed out


  但是你要赶回洛杉矶去一个试镜的时候堵车严重 你当时肯定急死了

  Two winters ago, we had amazing fun in Niseko snowboarding

  The room & bed you and I shared was so tiny. It felt like we were back in high school. All boarding


  你和我当时住的房间真是太小了! 好像回到了我们高中住校拼床的感觉

  You were the only master snowboarder out of the group

  But you patiently took time to help train everyone else on the kiddy slope.



  That was such a typical Godfrey move

  You always put your friends’ needs before you do



  When you finally had some time of your own to go up to the Black Diamond

  Coming down was quick for you, as for me, I pretty much tumbled my entire way down and kept saying “oh Amen”


  滑下山对于你来说很快, 但是对于我来说, 我记得我是连滚带爬下去的,还一直喊着“哦 阿门!”

  Being an amateur, I still went with you just to keep you company

  If it weren’t for the facial mask I was wearing, my face would’ve turned out to be very funny

  作为一个菜鸟级别的人,我是硬着头皮陪你上去的, 因为我不想你没有陪伴自己一人去


  At the mountaintop we had a very special moment

  Sitting quietly by each other in that beautiful white world, as pure as our special bond, we must’ve been chosen


  在那个美丽地冰雪世界静静地陪对方坐着, 就跟我们特别的关系一样纯洁,我们绝对是早就注定今生的兄弟情了

  I recall one summertime my family spent a week visiting yours in Vancouver

  At the lake park, our mothers were snapping pictures of us nonstop playing one on one

  The sick fade-away jumper you hit in my face was hell of a maneuver

  Alright I’ll give you props for that one. It was one of the few times you actually won




  你当时在我面前投了好多后仰投篮 各种操作

  好吧 那次算你厉害 也许那是不多的几次你打赢了我

  Last Christmas, you and Bella came to my LA house to celebrate

  We played ball, went to the beach, tossed some beanbags and then had our homemade hotpot but if anyone could put a price on memories like these it’d be impossible to calibrate


  我们一起打球 去了海边 玩了游戏, 还吃了家里做的火锅 我们所有的这些回忆是不能用金钱去衡量的

  This Christmas is right around the corner

  But your appointment turns out to be with the coroner



  Don’t you worry about not being here though?

  I’ll still help unwrap the presents for you and say a prayer so we can grow


  我会帮你打开礼物, 为你祈祷, 然后一起成长

  All of our memories kept on flashing by

  There is no question in my mind as to why



  You were an honorable man with a few words especially with those whom you just met

  But you were always there for me whenever I needed a pep talk I owe you a huge debt

  你是一个很值得被尊敬但是言语不多的人 特别是对那些你刚认识的朋友们。

  可每当我需要打气时 你总是在我身边陪伴我帮我疏通情绪 我亏欠你的太多了

  You were always the one serving everyone else first at the dinner table

  Only a man with the best manners and the highest integrity would be able

  不管什么时候我们一起吃饭 你总是会先帮我和大家夹菜盛汤


  We talked about being at each other’s weddings when we get married

  But we never discussed what we would do when one of us gets buried

  我们曾互相答应在结婚的时候 一定要以伴郎身份去现场参加对方的婚礼

  但我们从未讨论过 当我们其中一人将被埋葬 我们该怎么办

  You were my brother from another mother

  And we wholeheartedly trusted each other



  No wonder why people call you DJ Godfrey

  Our lives were tied together forever by our names. We’re partners in a crime, but we’re here to set each other free

  我终于知道为什么大家叫你DJ Godfrey了

  我们的名字注定我们的生命永远会连在一起 我们可以让对方自由放松地释放本性

  I’d go through a wall or jump off a cliff for you in a heartbeat

  Only if there were a way with how this life turned out that we could cheat


  如果有任何方式可以让你欺骗死亡 我都愿意

  If there is a way to reverse the clock

  Maybe I can find a way to untie my mental block



  When we checked up on each other a few days ago, you suddenly asked me: “where you at?”

  I said that I was traveling in Europe but in a few days we could catch up and chat

  几天前我们聊天时 你突然问我:“你在哪儿?”

  我当时告诉你我在欧洲旅行 但是过几天我们就能聚聚了

  By now I finally found out why all of the sudden you were checking to see my location

  Because you’d like me to be a witness with you at the two families’ big joint dinner as you are ready to start a new life direction


  因为你们两家人马上有一个非常重要的晚餐 你希望我到场陪你见证你将要开始的一个新的人生篇章

  Then there came November 27th, 2019.

  A rainy day to be remembered forever

  I woke up to a social media frenzy. Did this happen to me before? Never.

  然而 2019年11月27日...


  我在社交媒体的一阵嘈杂中醒来 这种情况以前在我身上发生过吗? 从来没有

  When Auntie Tina finally confirmed the thunderous news

  I cried hysterically at home and there was no more time for me to lose


  我在家里歇斯底里地哭 而我没有时间可以浪费了

  I booked the first available train to go and see you

  I wanted to keep you company on your last journey home but the reality was impossible for me to chew


  在你走的最后一程 我想在你身边陪你一起回家 但是现实让我不能接受

  You were sleeping there so peacefully but still looking stylish as always while rockin’ your fancy Jordans

  It reminded me of the brand new kicks you snatched from my closet one time in Beijing, remember what they were? Some brand new classic Jordans

  你在那里非常安静地躺着睡觉, 但是还穿着你的乔丹鞋, 跟以往一样潮

  让我想起在北京的一次, 你从我的衣橱拿走了一双新鞋穿, 还记得它们是什么鞋吗? 就是一双经典版的乔一。

  It’s convenient that we’re so similar in our physiques and that we shared the same sizes

  Every time we scored something fresh from each other’s closet, it was always like hitting the lottery prizes

  真的很方便!因为我们的体型相似, 所有的尺码也一样

  每次我们在对方的衣橱中找到好东西穿, 总感觉我们赢了彩票一样!

  I’m still in total shock and disbelief

  I now have this mental block I can only weep in grief


  现在我的心里有了一种精神障碍... 我只能在悲伤中哭泣

  I cannot believe that the reality can be so cruel, I wanna hold on to you with a tight embrace

  So unfair to check out someone as kind as you while keeping all the rest of evil in place

  我不敢相信现实会如此残酷 我想紧紧地抱住你不让你走

  现实居然把像你这样善良的人带走了 却把所有邪恶的东西都留在原地 这太不公平了

  To me, none of this has sunk in yet cuz I’m just in denial

  I wish there was a “bring you back to life” number that I could dial

  对我来说 这一切好像都不是真的 因为我一直在否认 我不敢接受

  我希望有一个可以让你起死回生的电话号码 我可以拨打

  I wanna say that the world would’ve been a much better place with more people like you

  But the truth is: there was only one of you

  And you were truly one of a kind

  我想说 如果这个世界有更多像你这样的人 一切一定会更加美好

  但事实是 只有你一个


  No one before came nearly as kind, genuine, loyal, generous and loving

  And there will certainly be no one to come after even when push comes shoving

  在此之前 没有人能像你那样善良、真诚、忠诚、慷慨和充满爱心


  For the past few hours, I found myself typing aimlessly to your phone

  Somehow I was hoping that you’d type back or maybe I could get vacuumed into your time zone

  过去的几个小时里 我发现自己一直在漫无目的地给你的电话发短信

  不知为什么 我就希望你能回复我一下 或者那样我就可以被吸入与你平行的空间

  But even though you are not replying, I know you can hear me bro

  You are looking down on me and all of us right now and telling me how to handle this blow

  可即使你不回答 我也知道你能看到也能听到我发出的信号 我的兄弟

  你正从上往下看着我 还有我们所有人 告诉我该如何应对这样的打击

  There have been so many signs that you never went away

  Thank you for passing me the incredible strength not to cry for our family sake


  谢谢你这几天递给我了无穷的力量和坚强, 为了我们的家人,我尽量没有在他们面前哭泣

  As a prank, you used to eat my eggs at breakfast whenever I wasn’t looking

  For the past few days, I’ve been making the eggs exactly the way you liked because hey! You’re just too good looking


  过去几天的早上 我一直在把鸡蛋做成你以前喜欢的样式 因为你太帅了 你说了什么都算!

  I’ve been waiting for you to join me for breakfast like you never left

  But you haven’t shown up yet so I just pretend that you over-slept

  我一直在等你加入我一起吃早餐 就像你从来没有走一样

  但是你一直还没有来 所以我就当你睡过头了

  What’s happened has left me speechless

  But once I start writing to you my words are endless


  但是我一开始写这封信 我又停不下来

  You were the perfect role model to million others

  That’s why now with your passing, the huge crowd gathers.

  对于成千上万的人来说 你曾是完美的榜样

  所以你现在走了 大家都赶过来送你最后一程

  Your true impact on other people’s lives is hard to calculate

  But the love and sentiments that millions of people are showing you now are impossible to fabricate



  You were not only just a great friend to me

  You were my brother separated at birth man. We’ll be forever tied together by our feet


  你是我出生时分开了的亲兄弟 我们的脚步永远都会被连在一起 同步前进

  In your previous life, you must’ve been a fallen angel

  Who would’ve known that someone’s life could be so fragile?



  As a person, you were always kind to others even if they were evil

  So whoever it was that took you away, it must’ve been the devil

  对于做人,你总是对别人很友善 就算他们有恶意


  With friends, you always unselfishly shared your spotlight

  But in times of arguments you never put up a fight


  但是有争执发生的时候 你从来不会去计较什么

  You’ve done so many amazing things as a human being in this short lifetime

  If I wanna ever become half of the man that you were, I’ve got a long way to climb

  在你短暂的一生中 你自己很成功也为身边的人做了太多


  I’m so extremely grateful that I had more time than most of other people to get to know you

  Our bond will be even stronger because for that much we value

  我心中其实无比感激 我比其他大多数人拥有更多时间了解了你


  I’m so so proud and privileged to call you my brother for this life time and next

  When it’s my time, don’t you forget to give me a heads up and shoot me a text

  我很骄傲也很荣幸 这辈子和下辈子都能称你为我的兄弟

  当我的时间要到的时候,别忘了提前提醒我一下 给我发条信息

  Make sure that you do some scouting first up there

  So you can show me around like you always do once I pay for my life fare


  这样当我最终付出了我的生命的时候 你就可以像以前那样带我在那里到处逛逛了

  Please make sure to continue playing lots of sports in your favorite Nike shorts

  Cuz once I go up there, like the good old days, we’re gonna go and crash some courts


  这样等我上去找你的时候, 还能像以前一样,我们一起去外面球场打球

  You worked way too hard for way too long before for everyone else’s well being

  Now you finally can have a little time & rest to yourself and enjoy some heavenly sightseeing

  以前为了别人的幸福安康 你工作太努力了 你工作太长时间了



  Enjoy this peaceful time up there and embrace the outpouring of love coming from down below

  Until the day I bring all the bells & whistles to join you, this will definitely be a hard one to swallow

  享受这段宁静的时光吧 拥抱来自我们所有爱你的人爱的讯息吧

  直到我带着铃铛和口哨来找你的那一天 这将永远是一个难以接受的事实

  We’ve all gathered here to celebrate your fulfilled life today so we can try to get over this sorrow

  But rest assured we’ll continue to care for each other forever starting tomorrow

  我们今天聚集在这里庆祝你充满意义的一生 我们可以试着去克服这种悲伤

  但是请放心 从明天开始 我们会永远继续互相关爱

  You have your plans & dreams still yet to be completed

  I’ll carry on your torch and keep moving forward until all of my energy is depleted


  我会从你手中接过火炬棒带上我们的梦想继续往前走, 直到我所有的能量都耗尽

  Don’t worry about the loved ones you left behind

  It’s only temporary

  Love and compassion you must find

  You are at the perfect sanctuary





  Auntie Tina and Uncle Rick are the most rational and classy parents I know

  After spending time with them, it’s not difficult for anyone to understand where you got your kind soul.

  Tina阿姨 和Rick叔叔是我认识最讲理最优雅的父母

  任何人接触他们之后 都一定会知道你是从哪里得到如此善意的灵魂

  They just lost a dear son that they can never replace

  But with your permission I’ll try my best to look after them like another son in your place

  Tina阿姨和Rick叔叔刚刚失去了你 无人可替代你在他们心中的位置

  但是如果你同意, 我会尽我所能代表你像另一个儿子一样照顾好他们

  I’ll help take care of our loved ones until I see you again

  I wish nothing but to be your brother once more just tell me when

  我会帮忙照顾我们所爱的人 直到我们再次见面

  我只想再做一次你的兄弟 告诉我 无论任何时候

  I’ve been fortunate to spend time with you and the family these past few days

  We brought you home together and will cope with all of this in new ways


  我们一起带你回家了 然后会好好地生活下去

  It’s the beginning of the month just past the 1st

  But it’s not the end of our infinite love for each other. It will never burst

  今天是这个月刚刚的开始, 1号刚过

  但这绝对不是我们对彼此无尽的爱的终点, 我们对彼此的爱永远不会消失

  At this point you must be thinking to yourself “Geez DJ, this is getting pretty long, are you finally done?”

  “Nah man!” I’m gonna continue thinking of you and writing to you EVERYDAY until I join you up there to have some fun.

  看到这里,你肯定想问 “天呀,DJ,你写完了没有?”

  “当然没有!” 我会继续在脑海中天天想着你,每天写给你,直到我能去那里找到你,再一起快乐地生活为止.

  Love To Eternity and Rest In Peace bro,

  爱到永恒 安息吧 我亲爱的兄弟

  Darren Jiang (DJ)



  Some memories do last forever...


  Date Written:

  Began at 4:00AM - 8:30AM on November 28th, 2019.

  To be continued for days, weeks, months and years...


  起草于2019年 11月28日的凌晨4点 - 早上8点30分


  Translation By: Riley Gou

  中文翻译: 苟思


  P.S. 当我半夜在哥哥Charles的陪伴下给你读完这封信之后,录音屏幕上自动定格在了21:51/22:00 的时间轴, 一秒不差(9/22就是你的生日)

  眼泪顿时要溢出来了, 但我马上抱住Brother Charles又一起安慰地笑了。因为我知道你收到了我写给你的信, 你也永远会留在我们身边陪伴。

  今天带你回家我一路上都在和你说话, 终于安全落地后我告诉你“Hey G, we’re home”. 我无意中瞟了一眼手机, 信号处从“4G”变成了“G”五秒钟,之后又变回成了”4G”. 我知道那是你在我身边听到了我说的话,用你的方式在回答我...

  Miss & Love U Bro Forever & Ever ❤️​​​​








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